Schema API

see the official Schema API reference for the api’s description.

api manager

the SchemaManager service can be used to communicate with this api.
its persist() and flush() methods can be used to sync your added commands with the api.

config node handlers

when syncing the configuration with solr, this bundle uses a collection of handlers implementing the ConfigNodeHandlerInterface to take care of adding commands to the appropriate API manager.
all handlers provided by this bundle have a default priority of 50.


if you’d like to hook into the config handling, you can register your own handler by having your service implement the ConfigNodeHandlerInterface.
by specifying the default priority you have control over when your custom handler is executed (the higher the number, the earlier the handler will be executed in the collection).

console commands

in order to use these commands, make sure you’ve got at least one endpoint and client configured.


use the verbosity options (-v|vv|vvv) for displaying more verbose errors once they occur.
currently supported features and commands:


the schema update is available by running
$ php bin/console solr:schema:update <core-name>
this command compares the properties configured under managed_schemas for given core name and syncs the managedschema of your solr instance accordingly.